Montag, 25. April 2016

I'm looking at you, Totally Bound Publishing!

Sooo... I've been looking at my options for getting published. Of course, I've done that for years, always trying to decide if I should post this or that story on Gay Authors first, or directly go to a publisher, so I've done a lot of looking, and very little doing.
Since every author has his idols or favorites, I zeroed in on the publishing houses providing me with all the hot and fizzy stuff I gulped down over the years, and finally settled on Totally (e-)Bound Publishing. What can I say, I just love their style of rating books, and they seem open to a lot of different types of fiction :)
I'm still fighting the good fight to finish two or three of my 'almost done'-stories, but I'll take the jump then. And if they don't like those stories, well, more material for GA!

If you have experience with that publisher, and would like to share, please contact me.

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